FlowWest is excited to have four speakers and co-chairs participating in the upcoming Bay-Delta Science Conference next week in Sacramento, CA.
FlowWest to Present at 2024 E2i Meeting: Empowering Watershed Resilience
FlowWest is excited to announce that Data Scientist Inigo Peng has been accepted to attend the 2024 Environmental Information and Innovation (E2i) Meeting, hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency from September 17th to 19th in Kansas City, Missouri.
Inigo will be presenting “Empowering Watershed Resilience: Integrating Data, Software, and Policy for Clear Lake Water Quality Management”, alongside FlowWest’s client, the Big Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians. Their presentation will showcase the innovative tools developed to streamline the WQX data upload process, enhancing Clear Lake's water quality management.
Inigo will be presenting “Empowering Watershed Resilience: Integrating Data, Software, and Policy for Clear Lake Water Quality Management”, alongside FlowWest’s client, the Big Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians. Their presentation will showcase the innovative tools developed to streamline the WQX data upload process, enhancing Clear Lake's water quality management.
Water Quality Data Mastery
In addition to discussing data management, technology modernization, and program innovation, the conference offers excellent networking opportunities. If you're attending, we invite you to connect with Inigo Peng during the event to exchange ideas on environmental data management and explore opportunities for collaboration.
The E2i Meeting is a premier event for environmental professionals from federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local agencies. It brings together agency managers, program experts, and IT professionals, with a focus on building more modern and effective approaches to environmental protection.
Don’t miss this chance to engage with FlowWest at E2i and learn more about how our data services can support your organization’s environmental initiatives!
FlowWest in the Field: Salmon Restoration Conference
Mark Tompkins to Attend NAS Policy Forum on Nature Based Solutions
FlowWest founder Dr. Mark Tompkins to participate in National Academy of Sciences Policy Forum on Nature Based Solutions in Washington, D.C. February 7-8.
Senior Engineer, Anna Kladzyk Constantino, to Lead Workshop at California Adaptation Forum
FlowWest is thrilled to be participating in the biennial California Adaptation Forum. FlowWest has been working at the forefront of climate vulnerability assessment, adaptation planning, and climate resilience strategy development for nearly a decade. The Forum will be held this year in Pomona, CA from 7/31-8/2, and promises to be an inclusive gathering that will bring together folks approaching this complex work from different perspectives in order to expand climate resilience across the State. In our climate adaptation work, we have grown to appreciate the deep importance of creating spaces for diverse voices to be heard and how empathic practice is necessary for building pathways to climate resilience. Read more below.