Looking Ahead: Bay-Delta Science Conference 2024

FlowWest is excited to have four speakers and co-chairs participating in the upcoming Bay-Delta Science Conference next week in Sacramento, CA. The team will be sharing insights on innovative water management and ecosystem resilience strategies:

Ashley Vizek will present on "Building resilient data systems for Sacramento River spring-run Chinook salmon using human-centered data management"

Elizabeth Stebbins Stebbins will deliver two talks:

  • "A modeling approach for optimizing Chinook salmon adult monitoring data" and

  • "Reorienting to Recovery: Adapting Decision Support Models for Comprehensive and Collaborative Chinook Salmon Management"

Michael MacWilliams will present on "Modeling and Analysis of Strategic Sediment Placement in San Francisco Bay" and will co-chair the session on "Engineering with Nature and Strategic Placement of Dredged Material in San Francisco Bay".

The team is looking forward to contributing to important discussions on the future of California’s water resources and learning from fellow experts. Be sure to catch their presentations and mingle with the team!

The Bay-Delta Science Conference is a biennial event that brings together scientists, policymakers, and resource managers to share the latest research and innovations focused on the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The conference highlights the science behind water management, ecosystem restoration, and resilience, aiming to foster collaboration and solutions for preserving the health of California’s critical Bay-Delta system.