Happy holidays, solstice, and new year to everyone. We are grateful to our clients, employees, and partners for the hard work that gets put in every day. Here's to a great 2023 full of river restoration!
FlowWest is working to build a data management system where data is compiled, transformed, and stored in a standardized format for monitoring spring-run Chinook salmon juvenile production estimates (SR JPE).
FlowWest is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Michael MacWilliams PhD, PE to our team as a partner and Principal Engineer. Dr. MacWilliams expands FlowWest’s capabilities into new areas including three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling, sea level rise planning, and coastal and marsh restoration. He will extend FlowWest’s reach in San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with new capabilities and clients.
Happy holidays, solstice, and new year to everyone. We are grateful to our clients, employees, and partners for the hard work that gets put in every day. Here's to a great 2023 full of river restoration!